I'm sad. Christmas is over. I had been looking forward to my first Colorado Christmas for two years. I took a week of vacation and mom, Larry and Scott came to visit us for the week. It's weird looking forward to something for so long, only to have it pass in the blink of an eye. It's weird going back to my normal routine, only now having that thing I had long anticipated being a memory of the past rather than a fantasy of the future. It's weird to have it behind me rather than in front of me.
We had a really nice time. Mom was like a little kid playing in the snow for the first time in her life. She was running, throwing snowballs and kicking up snow like any eight year old would. She just kept saying how magical it was and laughing. I swear it took decades off her age. The image of her all bundled up and playing with a big grin on her face will stay with me forever.
After everyone left this afternoon I went back into my home, now still and quiet after a week of being filled with love and laughter. I looked back through the photos and I could still hear mom's voice laughing and I could see her eyes glowing with the light of discovery and joy. It filled me simultaneously with happiness that these moments existed, and such sadness that they had passed so quickly. But I suppose it's knowing that such moments are fleeting that make them so precious, and mourning their passing is futile.
Bear Lake holds a particularly special place in my heart now. Who knew such a short trail could hold so many memories. I love you mom, more than words can ever express.

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