Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Memaw died a few months back. I still haven't removed her from my address book. I see her name in there from time to time and I always pause for just a moment and remember that she's really gone.

This week I took a few days off work and my best friend from high school came to visit. Until a few months ago, I hadn't seen or spoken with her in about twelve years. It was a little strange reconnecting, but I have to say I found it extremely comfortable and easy, as if no time had passed at all. Sometimes after a good laugh an easy lull would settle between us. I'd look at her, smile, and think back on moments long passed. I dug out an old photo album and found some good ones of us being silly on the beach one day when we were about 18 years old. We looked like kids, and the whole world still lay before us.

I had some great conversations with my old friend. Among much else, we talked about the other people we knew in high school, where they are now and how so many people never really leave home. All her family, for example, still live and work within a few miles of where they've always lived and worked. Except for me living 1,000 miles away in Colorado, my family is no different.

Tonight I found Memaw's house back in Texas listed for sale online. There are pictures both inside and out. I took a virtual tour of a house I know intimately. Most of the furniture was gone but some pictures and other objects remained. There were no people in the photos. No laughter. No birthday or holiday celebrations, no grandchildren running around, no pies in the oven. Pawpaw's garden is just a memory now paved over with a carpet of grass. It's just an ordinary country house waiting to be sold to the highest bidder, all the living memories now only ghosts in my mind. I never thought about it before, but it seems that a home can die too.

Just as I was about to sign off, I noticed the realtor selling the house was a childhood friend of my brother. I think he was about 7 years old the last time I saw him. Now he's wearing a big grin and trying to pawn off Memaw & Pawpaw's house.

I'm glad I got out of there and built my own life far away. My life is good and I'm getting everything I've sought. But I often think of friends and family long gone, plucked from my life by neglect, erosion or death. More often than you might suppose, I dream of youthful parents, the home I grew up in, and the arms that held me and encouraged me to find my road in the world. I sometimes long to be there, among familiar faces and comfortable places. I guess some people never really leave.


Beth said...

Do you know, I've been in kind of a similar place lately, and have been Google-street-viewing around a lot of places from my childhood, which feels so weird - I'll have only enough memory to find a place, but once I'm there, every detail of the facades and trees and curbs is so familiar, or I'll be forcibly struck by what's changed.

But that's just interiors. How difficult it must be to see your grandparents' home as just an empty house for sale to strangers. The realtor being someone you remember from childhood is a weird twist.

My maternal grandmother died at the end of October. I never knew her well, but she was one of few ties left to my mom. My stepfather jut got re-hitched close to the same time. I'm feeling increasingly cut adrift in an uncaring world. There are so many earliers I wish I could go back to, and pull the covers up over my head and feel warm again.

At least I really like my job these days. I just wish that occasionally someone really smart would sneak up behind me, make me self-conscious, then force me to discuss organic food. :)

Billy Joe said...

"I'm feeling increasingly cut adrift in an uncaring world."

Well said. As good as things are for me, I agree. I don't have friends like I used to, and the family is fragmenting and vanishing more every year through death, divorce and nonsense. Sometimes I long for the days when parents and grandparents and grandkids and cousins were plentiful and actually seemed to enjoy each others' company. Except for my mom and a small handful of friends, there aren't a lot of stars in my sky anymore. It leaves one feeling a little cold.

I miss you.

Michelle Elliott said...

Billy Joe,

I just read this. Very moving.. I am very sorry to hear about your Memaw.. People make a house a home. Without people, it is just a shell. Those memories I'm sure will live on forever in your heart and mind. :-) I would feel the exact same way if it were my grandparents' house for sale. There are so many times that knowing what I know now, that I wish I could go back in time. I had a wonderful time coming and spending time with you and Gerard in your home. :-) You are right about us reuniting.. At first, it was a little awkward, but almost immediately, it was very easy and felt like no time had went by at all. :-) I miss you and can't wait to see you soon. Love ya! ~Michelle