The weather service is predicting possible record breaking heat this week. We could see 75 degrees in the next day or two, which hasn't happened this time of year since 1902. It's perfect spring weather (if a bit early) and many of the trees already have buds. The crocus are in bloom and I'm expecting to see tulips any day now. Spring fever is setting in and the world is waking up.
So I now have five places to garden this year. Two community garden plots, plots on two different ranches, and a home-owning friend a few blocks away who I convinced to turn her entire back lawn into a garden. Plus I've secured a volunteer spot on one of my favorite local organic farms which I regularly patronize at the market. I guess technically that makes six gardens. I hope to learn a lot.
Tonight I'm going to sit down with some homemade oatmeal cookies, a tall glass of milk, and go through my seed catalog one more time. I have to finalize my order so I can get those seeds in the ground. It's going to be a big year for me!
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